Become a Fairy God-Parent
Once upon a time, a woman went to a MountainStar luncheon and was deeply moved by our mission to help families in crisis. She thought, "Wouldn't it be nice if each child had a Fairy Godmother who could help once in a while?" That was way back in 2007, and the beginning of MountainStar's Fairy God-Parent Program!
As our service area grows we continue to update this program to match the needs of the families we serve. Our goal is for each child and their family to receive an equitable distribution of resources to bring relief at a moment of overwhelming stress.
Choosing to join this effort creates a personal connection to families right in your community and we thank you in advance for you generosity.
Our goal is for every child in our therapeutic classes to receive support through our Fairy God-Parent Program!
In just a few simple steps, you can become a Fairy God-Parent!
Please click the “Become a Fairy God-Parent” button at the bottom of the page. There you will provide your contact information and monthly level of support.
Please note: Donation levels are examples of giving but any amount in “Other” will be included in distributions to families in your selected community.
See Classroom Needs and FAQs below!

Shop our Wishlist Needs!
Prineville: https://www.target.com/gift-registry/gift/mountainstar-prineville
Madras: https://www.target.com/gift-registry/mtstar-madras
La Pine: https://www.target.com/gift-registry/gift/mtstar-lapine
Redmond: https://www.target.com/gift-registry/gift/fairygodparentwishlist-redmondms

FAQ About Being A Fairy God-Parent!
Can I meet the children at the site? Yes! We would love to help arrange a visit to our therapeutic classrooms so you can meet kiddos in your community. This would require an additional step - background check - and we would be happy to help with this. With a background check complete, you can even consider volunteering in our classrooms or serving as a substitute volunteer when needed.
How much should I give? There is no minimum or maximum payment. Making a direct monetary donation allows staff to purchase grocery and gas cards which help families address the greatest needs in their homes.
How do I know when and what to give? Think of this as a monthly giving program, yet unique in that it provides direct financial support to families. If you would like to donate each month, great! If you would like to make an annual contribution, that also works. Funds will be gathered by site and then distributed to families based on need.
Over the years, Fairy God-Parents have had the opportunity to purchase specific items for families. If you would like to go above and beyond, please check the Classroom Needs (links above) that have been identified for each site. These reflect direct needs of children and their families and will be frequently updated, so keep checking!
Will we get to hear about the impact of our support for local kids? Yes! We are excited to send out quarterly updates that will provide impact stories of the generous support received from Fairy God-Parents.
Click the link below to choose a donation level as well as fill out your contact information. This will help us stay in touch and allow us to send updates about the kiddos in your community.
Please choose a monthly donation level that fits your spending goals. These funds are distributed directly to families through grocery and gas cards that provide basic needs support.
Please note: Donation levels are examples of giving but any amount in “Other” will be included in distributions to families in your selected community.