Success Stories
Ben’s parents moved to Oregon seeking a better life, but soon dad developed a medical condition that left him mostly immobile. Now mom works several jobs to provide for the family. Baby Ben spent his early days at home with dad, who is scarcely able to change a diaper let alone play on the floor or provide enrichment. When Ben first came to MountainStar a year ago he couldn’t crawl — at his age, he should have been walking! Delayed development can be a result of neglect, so we coached Ben’s parents on how to help him get back on track. Now he toddles around playing in his therapeutic classes.
On a home visit, MountainStar staff found little Danielle coloring all over the walls. Mom didn’t seem bothered, and when gently asked about it she erupted into a tantrum. Danielle’s dad came to the rescue, explaining that his middle-aged wife is developmentally delayed. She functions at the level of a 15-year-old, which means Danielle and her siblings are essentially being raised by a teenager. Thankfully, dad is patient and kind even when he gets tired of parenting both his children and helping his spouse. MountainStar has helped dad create healthy self-care habits so he can be the parent Danielle needs.
At 10 months old, "Lola's" mom no longer recognized her. Lola’s parents were in a severe car accident when she was just 10 months old. Both survived, but it was Lola’s mom who suffered brain injuries. Her speech was affected, and she had extreme memory loss. She no longer recognized her daughter and could not provide the affection that Lola desperately needed. Lola’s dad lost his job trying to balance the full-time care for his wife, and they soon ended up homeless. Then MountainStar entered their lives. Our interventionists stood with them as the family was forced to adjust to their new reality. We provided as many resources as possible – diapers, food boxes, gas cards, grocery gift cards – and embraced Lola, surrounding her with love to help heal the neglect she had experienced. As of today, Lola’s mom has regained her memory and speech. Lola’s father found steady work and safe housing for their family. And Lola is doing great. You can find her at MountainStar dancing in circles. She loves music, playing with instruments, and engaging with her peers.
Eli’s mom reached out to MountainStar for help when she left her violent husband. She was distraught, and as soon as Eli started in our therapeutic class, it was obvious he was stressed as well. He would scream at the top of his lungs and couldn’t seem to be coaxed to play nicely with the other children. MountainStar provided mom with individualized therapy and parent coaching. She’s learned how to help Eli feel safe, and how to motivate him to improve his behavior. Together, they’ve made major progress: Eli is calmer in class now and mom has enrolled in community college classes this fall.